TPS Management Services is a corporation formed to provide property management services to Condominium

Associations(of less than 100 units), Homeowners Associations(of less than 150 units) and small portfolio single family/multifamily investors.
TPS Management Services founding partners have more than thirty years combined experience in various facets of residential property management. Our company has employed cutting edge technology to provide smooth, convenient communication between association members, their board and the management company.


Our software platform can electronically provide the association’s board and committees with all the information needed to perform their duties, including approvals and real time budget tracking. Homeowner services include electronic monthly maintenance payments and online access to their homeowners ledger.


Single family portfolio investors: The company continues to serve rental property investors who have small portfolios of luxury residential property. Providing rent collection, maintenance, tenant relations and financial performance services.


Multifamily portfolio investors: We represents rental property investors who own small multifamily properties in Miami. Individual properties under management in this sub-market range in size from 2 to 10 units.

Our Four Points Approach to

Miami HOA | Association Property Management


Our staff understands the importance of maintaining regular communication with all of our clients so that they are never surprised by what is happening with their properties. We maintain and operate a private account for each of our clients so that you can be regularly in touch with our staff and stay updated on inspections, vacancies, marketing, financial reports, notices, maintenance, and projects.

Phone calls are answered by our bilingual employees, instead of voicemails. We work hard in order to enrich your property; allowing you to attend to your personal matters.


Upholding a building’s physical requirements and improving its appeal requires management of a variety of staff/vendors, from contractors and engineers to janitorial and landscaping, etc. After our property inspections, we put into action a customized plan for the maintenance staff and or vendors to directly tackle the specific areas that need special attention within your property. In this manner, we are providing a cost-effective tool to ensure your property is safe and functioning correctly; while improving the appearance of your property.


As you manage your properties with TPS Management Services, the data we capture along the way, such as information associated with costs and revenues, can then be used to measure actual performance against those projected. This will allow you to easily see the true picture of costs, and how effectively your community dues are being used, while providing information that can help increase the accuracy of assumptions that lead to making better decisions.

TPS Management Services offers extensive support for a wide variety of financial activities, such as annual CAM reconciliation, accounts receivable and accounts payable management, monthly financial statements, cost control recommendations, annual budget preparation and reporting.


We regularly inspect properties and thoroughly document the process in order detect problems early on and advise owners before a major repair is necesary. This is  one of the best ways to maintain and increase the value of your property. We can also make sure community members are adhering to city/municipality ordinances and bylaws. Suggestions will be made in order to keep all properties compliant.

Our experience allows us to know which key areas to look for during inspections.  This stragety helps us prepare annual budgets and preventive maintenance plans. Our timely inspections have led to huge savings on otherwise costly repairs and in some cases helped lowered building and property insurance.

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